Selasa, 27 Maret 2018


I just hit 20.
I said to myself that,
It's time for me to change.
There'll be no more me being me.
But when I woke up,
There were messages coming in.

I read them. All of them.
I smiled. The whole me smiled.

Look, it's not about who.
For me, it was a sign.
That there will always be somebody,
Somewhere out there
That will make you happy
And suddenly you just feel better
For no reason.

I'll be good. Thank you, you.

Minggu, 11 Februari 2018

Tua Tuan Muda Merdeka.

Tuan muda melupa
Tuan muda berfoya
Tua tuan muda merdeka

Tuan tua berpesta
Tuan tua berdusta
Merdeka tuan muda mereka

Tua-tua meminta
Mudi-muda meminta
Meminta-minta pada merdeka

Pemuda saling bekerja sama
Tuan tu pun bekerja sama
Bekerja "sama" baginya merdeka

Merdekalah tuan-tuan merdeka
Merdekalah rakyat Indonesia
Merdekalah yang seperti itu caranya
Hingga tumbang Indonesia merdeka.

© An airhead's words.
Maira Gall